Keeping up with oral health among Seniors can be challenging, Here we have provided the issues that arise by neglecting oral health as well as some preventative strategies to avoid complications.
Keeping up with your oral health and getting dental cleanings frequently can help prevent cavities and further complications like gingivitis. Gingivitis can lead to a bacterial infection that can lead to decay and tooth loss.
Problems of oral health among Seniors
Untreated Tooth Decay
Gum Disease
Tooth Loss
Oral Cancer
Chronic disease
Drink fluoridated water and brush your teeth with Floride toothpaste
Floss before brushing your teeth
Practice Brushing your teeth after meals
Frequently dental visits
Do not use Tabacco. Quit Smoking.
Limit alcoholic drinks
Maintain control of chronic diseases like Diabetes, which can lead to other complications like gum disease.
Keep track of medication side effects. Some side effects like dry mouth can cause cavities. If dry mouth can not be avoided. Drink lots of water, chew sugarless gum, and avoid tobacco and alcohol products.
If you experience any changes in oral health, like dry mouth, toothache, smelly breath, sensitivity in teeth consult your doctor or dentist
For more information about oral health please consult one of our many providers at Tucson Clinica Medica Familiar.
In order to help stop the spread, Clinica Medica Familiar is NOW offering Telemedicine (Telehealth/video call). Please call us at 520-257-4907 or to schedule, your flu shot or COVID vaccine click on the link
Clinica Medica Familiar is a family medicine practice that offers medical treatment to the whole family. We specialize in Geriatrics, Pediatrics, and Family Medicine. Our bilingual providers are located in Tucson, AZ in the Santa Cruz Plaza. We are here to meet all your healthcare needs. Please give us a call to request more information.